she also read a chapter of her book. On Thursday she sold her books.
I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 6 and my Teacher is Miss Down.
Friday, 1 November 2019
Author visit
Anna Kayes came to visit good shepherd to show her new book series Tui street tales
Friday, 27 September 2019
Friday, 6 September 2019
Marae Visit
On Wednesday 28th of August 2019 the whole School went the Unitec Marae to learn about the different parts of a Marae. My Favorite part was when the year six and 5 boys did the Haka.
Friday, 30 August 2019
Friday, 16 August 2019
Visual Arts
Title: Mixed Media - Visual Arts
Label: Visual Arts, Mixed Media, Past and present, hands
You hold the future in your hands.
In Term 2 our Visual Arts focused was on Mixed Media. We finally finished our pieces of art at the end of the term. We started off by creating two hands, most of us copied our own hands as templates. One hand represents our past and the other hand our future. We used lots of different materials and symbols to make our artwork as well as exploring a range of different techniques with watercolor paint. This is my art work.
Friday, 9 August 2019
On Friday we had so much fun with Sport NZ as they came in to teach us hockey. We got to do warm up and drills with the hockey sticks and played against each other in teams. We are already looking forward to next Friday’s session. Here is a pictures:
Cook Islands
Week 3 has been a very busy week with so many celebrations. Good Shepherd School celebrates our multicultural school with our Cook Island Language focus. We looked at the culture through our reading and made fun fact files. We were also lucky to have Alessandra and the cultural leaders teach us a Pure (prayer) to sing.
We learnt Aro’a mai te Atua iaku. See if you can say/sing this pure too
Aro’a mai te Atua iaku.
Aro’a mai te Atua iaku
I te au mea taku kite nei
Te anuanua kua iti mai ki roto iaku
Aro’a mai te Atua iaku
My God loves me
My God loves me
And all the wonders I see
The rainbow shines through my window
My God loves me
Whole School prayers
Room 6 hosted whole school prayers. Our theme was The Gift of Faith. We did a song called ‘Open the Eyes of My Heart’ and Jiwoo, Zara and Maggie made hand actions for us. There were also people who did the prayers of the faithful. Overall prayers was a big success and everyone enjoyed it.
Here are is a picture of our prayers:
Assembly Term 3
Last week Room 6 performed their assembly. Our main entertainment was a drama circle on occupations. We also displayed our mixed media we made in term 2. Some people also shared about what they put on their art and why. We all had so much fun preparing and presenting our assembly
Here are some pictures of our assembly:
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
keeping our self's safe
For keeping our self's safe room 6 we have been learning about different types of touches and abuse
as a part of keeping our self's safe we had to look after an egg for 4 days and we also had to do the Tui tour the Tui tour is a sheet where we had to write the good choices on what we should do if we are ever abused of being touched inappropriately here is a picture (of not me)
Friday, 28 June 2019
RE Poster
For RE, Room Six has been making posters about the famous People in the early Church. Our group chose Peter for our poster here is a picture.

Friday, 21 June 2019
Water Cycle
How the Water Cycle Works?
I am learning to inform my audience through an explanation.
By Sanjay
Did you know when you drink a glass of water you are probably drinking water that the first cave people also drank? The Earth has been recycling water for years! This process is called the water cycle. The water cycle is so simple anyone could understand it. Three quarters of the earth is covered in water, however only three percent is freshwater and even smaller is the actual drinkable water at one percent. There are three stages in the water cycle evaporation, precipitation and condensation. Each stage plays an important role in the water cycle.
Evaporation is the start of the water cycle. Evaporation is a process where water turns into water vapor. For example after a rainy day the rain leaves puddles on the Earth's surface. After the rain and an hour or so the water is gone that is because the sun has evaporated the water from the puddle. It doesn't have to be a sunny day for water to evaporate because the sun is always shining even when it is a stormy day, and supplying heat to the earth. From evaporation it leads into condensation.
Have you ever seen water on a window on a cold day? That is called condensation.
Condensation is when water vapor collect together together and is cooled down. Once it has collected together it then forms a liquid together as it connects together. The water vapor in the water cycle rises up into the atmosphere and it collects together and forms a cloud. Once the water vapor cools and collects together it gets darker and darker until it is ready to fall. This leads us into precipitation
Precipitation is when a cloud gets really full then the water falls from the cloud then it rains. Did you know when it rains you could be seeing water from the other side of the world? This is because the clouds evaporate water from the lakes, rivers and oceans from around the world and then the clouds come to where you live then it rains. Clouds move all around the world. When the clouds get heavy enough they water falls back down to earth as precipitation. This can be in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow depending on the temperature in the atmosphere.
In conclusion there are three stages in the water cycle evaporation, condensation and precipitation, each stage plays evaporation evaporates the water condensation turns the water into a gas and precipitation makes it rain important role in the water cycle. Water is a very important resource in the world. If there was not a water cycle we would not be here today.
By Sanjay
Did you know when you drink a glass of water you are probably drinking water that the first cave people also drank? The Earth has been recycling water for years! This process is called the water cycle. The water cycle is so simple anyone could understand it. Three quarters of the earth is covered in water, however only three percent is freshwater and even smaller is the actual drinkable water at one percent. There are three stages in the water cycle evaporation, precipitation and condensation. Each stage plays an important role in the water cycle.
Evaporation is the start of the water cycle. Evaporation is a process where water turns into water vapor. For example after a rainy day the rain leaves puddles on the Earth's surface. After the rain and an hour or so the water is gone that is because the sun has evaporated the water from the puddle. It doesn't have to be a sunny day for water to evaporate because the sun is always shining even when it is a stormy day, and supplying heat to the earth. From evaporation it leads into condensation.
Have you ever seen water on a window on a cold day? That is called condensation.
Condensation is when water vapor collect together together and is cooled down. Once it has collected together it then forms a liquid together as it connects together. The water vapor in the water cycle rises up into the atmosphere and it collects together and forms a cloud. Once the water vapor cools and collects together it gets darker and darker until it is ready to fall. This leads us into precipitation
Precipitation is when a cloud gets really full then the water falls from the cloud then it rains. Did you know when it rains you could be seeing water from the other side of the world? This is because the clouds evaporate water from the lakes, rivers and oceans from around the world and then the clouds come to where you live then it rains. Clouds move all around the world. When the clouds get heavy enough they water falls back down to earth as precipitation. This can be in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow depending on the temperature in the atmosphere.
In conclusion there are three stages in the water cycle evaporation, condensation and precipitation, each stage plays evaporation evaporates the water condensation turns the water into a gas and precipitation makes it rain important role in the water cycle. Water is a very important resource in the world. If there was not a water cycle we would not be here today.
Friday, 14 June 2019
book week
GSS Book Week 2019
Authors, Illustrators, Books, Book Week, Parade, Event, 2019
Room 6 was hungry for books during our book week. We had a whole week celebrating all things books. We had author visits from Stu Duval and James Russell. Stu presented workshops on storytelling, cartooning and writing. James shared his books and told us stories. We did lots of cool book week activities in class like making dust jacket covers, wanted posters, bookmarks and story cubes. Finally our favourite day arrived, Friday. We got to dress up as our favourite characters and partake in the literacy treasure hunt. Overall book week is a fantastic week every year. Room 6 LOVES BOOK WEEK
Here are some photos from our time:
My book week character was: dark stalker
Friday, 7 June 2019
Water Care
Water, water everywhere! On Friday of week 6, we were lucky to have Sally from Water care come to teach us more about the water. We did a drama activity and experiments. Firstly we examined the process that water goes through to become drinkable water in our households. Our drama was based on the process that the water goes through to be cleaned. We were the water going through each stage. We had so much fun as we ventured around the school. Once we learnt how water is cleaned we then had to try and clean the dirty water ourselves. We had to create a filter system in partners. We had to do four different tests for our experiments. We experimented with a range of filters to try and test which filter system was the best.
Cross Country
Good Shepherd School had been busy training for cross country this term and finally the day arrived. In week 6 we all arrived at school in our running gear and had our house colors painted onto us. We were eager and ready to go and win house points. Overall the race was long and required a lot of stamina, but we were prepared. Here are some pictures from our races.
Thursday, 30 May 2019
Samoan Language Week
Samoan Language Week
This week was Samoan Language Week. In Room 6 we learnt a lot about Samoa and the Samoan culture. We watched Cultural Hub clips about the Samoan alphabet, animals and body parts. Did you know that the Samoan alphabet has only 17 letters? Also during reading time we did a scavenger hunt on facts about Samoa, we then searched the classroom for clues to complete our Samoan puzzle. We had experts teaching us greetings and phrases, our experts were Matila, Remy and Rosa.

Friday, 24 May 2019
On the 23 of May we learned about how many meter squared the classroom was and how to measure in meters. We found out that only four people could fit in the meter square. I love learning about measurement.
Friday, 17 May 2019
Science in a Van
In week two on Friday science in a van came to Good Shepherd School to teach us about balance and the periodic table. They balanced things with their fingers, they were balancing a mop and a broom. Miss Evans balanced a small shovel. They also did some other experiments here are some pictures
Friday, 10 May 2019
RE Triangles
For RE room 6 made 3D triangles about Baptism and the Holy Spirit here are some pictures.

in room 6 we have been doing science projects on the water cycle. we have been looking at five different experiments including water vapor gas and condensation here are some pictures

Friday, 3 May 2019
Water cycle
This term room six are learning about water cycle and how it works. We have been researching,
watching videos and writing about the water cycle. Here is my research about it.
Friday, 22 March 2019
St Joseph's Day Tabloid Sports
Tuesday 19th March was St Joseph’s Day Feast Day. The whole school attended mass to celebrate the leadership Saint Joseph showed. Saint Joseph is also special to our school because Saint MacKillop and the Sisters of St Joseph were inspired by Saint Joseph. Saint Joseph is also the foster father of Jesus. The following day, the whole school came together to celebrate with fun tabloid sports in our houses. We all got to play so many fun and exciting games. Thank you to our leaders who prepared this.
Friday, 15 March 2019
My Accident Story
Stamps can be Dangerous
February 2019
By Sanjay
I am learning to entertain my audience with a recount.
Have you ever thought stamps were dangerous? Well many of you are probably thinking stamps are harmless and merely a child’s toy. You get the stamp press down in ink, then you stamp the pretty picture down onto paper. But this is my accident and this stamp was not so So I was about, let's say eight years old when I had love of stamps and the horrifying accident happened.
On a very ordinary day, I was going to my guitar class. Jumping into our speedy car, I called the Batmobile, well it was fast for me, but we were going the speed limit of 50 km per hour. Sitting in the car rather bored I starting exploring the car with my eyes. I would do anything to entertain myself, we were almost at my guitar class. As soon as we got there something caught my eye as I was getting out of the Batmobile a cool stamp, or what I thought was a cool stamp. I pushed down on the stamp as I looked closer at the picture.
Taking a closer look it had a cool sign on the top of the stamp, it looked to me like it was a flamethrower. What do you think looks like a stamp and has a picture of a flame on it? Would you be thinking a Batman Flamethrower or would you think a car lighter. Well it was a car lighter. But I saw it differently I thought it was a stamp with a flamethrower icon on it so I grasped the stamp
Stamping it down on my leg I felt a hot burning fire on my leg, I was scared and freaked out trying to hide what I had done. I went into the guitar lesson which felt like hours later. I came home and I told my mum that I stabbed myself with a stamp. My mum told me it wasn't a stamp but it was a car lighter the next day we had to get it checked from the doctors. I had to get this this weird plaster from the doctors and every day we had to change the plaster, every day! It stung for weeks. But at last it healed and I have ended up with a big mark on my leg to this day. And I avoided stamps at all cost now. So funny
Friday, 8 March 2019
Swimming Sports
Swimming sports
Room 6 had a wonderful day at swimming sports. When we all went to the turf we split up into our houses. Thank you Sharyn and parents for helping us with the non competitive swimming and competitive. Also thank you parents for coming along and supporting your children. Good shepherd students thank the teachers very warmly, as every year as they set up and prepare this event for us. I’m sure that every student enjoyed the event. I saw everyone compete with my own eyes and they all did well. The people who lost don’t have to be sad because they should be grateful they got a swim in the warm weather also because there’s always time and effort to improve.

Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Today was Ash Wednesday. We went to church and sang some hymns, got the ashes on our foreheads, sung happy birthday to a little girl starting school on her birthday! We then went up and got a blessing.
We did make an attempt to keep our ashes on our foreheads, but that was a fail due to swimming and itching it off. We had a good day and hope everyone else did to. During the lent season we have to remember to pray, alms giving and helping others.
This year I am focusing on being nice and including others
Shrove Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday
Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday. We all had a great day in room 6. The festivities started with the burning of the ashes on the turf. This was a new and exciting experience that not many of us had seen before.
Later on during Religious Education we learnt more about Shrove Tuesday and Lent. People used to get rid of all their luxury items such as flour, sugar, butter, eggs and milk by making pancakes. We were even able to enjoy some pancakes of our own. We all thought it was a great start to lent and we are looking forward to the lenten season as we prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus. We are the season of Lent and it is a time of preparation.
Shine Week
Shine Week
A sea of orange flood Good Shepherd School on Friday the 8th of March. This week was shine week. We raise money to help people whose lives are affected domestic violence. In support we all wore orange clothes and brought a gold coin donation to help the charity. Here are some pictures:
Tuesday, 19 February 2019
My Mihimihi
I am learning to: introduce myself and others, and respond to introductions using my personal information
Tēnā koutou katoa, (greetings to you all)
Nō Aotearoa ahau (where you are from / Aotearoa*)
Ko Maungarei tōku maunga (Mountain)
Ko Waitemata harbour tōku moana (ocean)
Kei Tamaki makaurau tōku kāinga ināianei (I now live)
Ko Te Hapara pai tōku kura (school / Good Shepherd School*)
Ko Beeramathy toku whānau (family name)
Ko Saravan Beeramathy tōku pāpā (father)
No Malaysia ia (Father is from, share diverse backgrounds)
Ko Vivian Kow tōku māmā (mother, ask if maiden or family name)
No Malaysia (Mother is from, share diverse backgrounds)
Ko Sanjay B
eeramathy tōku ingoa (your name)
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.
(Therefore, greetings to you, greetings to you, greeting to us all).
Friday, 8 February 2019
piece of the puzzle
In Room 6 we are all a piece of the puzzle. There are 29 students and we each complete our puzzle. Without one of us we would not be Room 6. During the second week of school (once the year 6 were back from camp) we spent time learning about each other and completing our piece of the puzzle. We learnt that we are all different and unique made in the image of God. But we also learnt that sometimes people need a little helping hand to make learning fair. Check out our pieces of the puzzle in Room 6 Foyer to learn more about each of us.“It’s always the small pieces that make the big picture.”
Year 5 and 6: Charism
Did you know the reason Good Shepherd School named their syndicates Connolly and Sheridan? Connolly and Sheridan were the names of the first two sisters that worked at Good Shepherd School when it opened. That is just one of the fun facts we learnt this week when we explored the charism of our school. The charism of our school is the flavour of our school, it is what makes us Good Shepherd School. Over the week we looked at the history of the school and unpacked the visual Image of the Good Shepherd Cross with the values, scripture, feast days and the St Mary MacKillop sayings. We unpacked the values and why we have those values. In groups we identified what each value looked, sounded and felt like before making up definitions. Another new fact I learnt was that Sheridan and Connolly were sisters.
leadership role
Year 6 Leadership Role
This year I am proud to take on the role of ICT Angel. I look forward to this role because I get to sit on a chair in the hall on singing practice
Year 6 Camp
While the rest of the school was sleeping, enjoying their last day of the school holidays the year six were awake grabbing the last of their essential camp items. Stuffing the cars full of luggage we hit the road making our way up to MERC, Long Bay Beach for the annual Year 6 Leadership Camp. It was a fun, busy and hot week with lots of activities and things to do. There was so much to do with out amazing instructors and helpers, activities like paddle boarding, archery, abseiling, kayaking, rock climbing, giants ladder, stack’em and the list goes on. After the camp day we had plenty to do at night with the camp mass, school council voting, the talent quest and even a spooky game of spot light.
My two favourite activities were: stack em and giants ladder.
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